It’s so nice to meet you!

I’m a senior studying cognitive science, human-computer interaction, UX design, data science, and product marketing at UC San Diego.

I know, I know - that’s a long list! It’s a really specific niche, but over time I’ve found I feel the most engaged and excited by my work when I’m creating for and with people.

Some words I would use to describe myself:

passionate · thoughtful · reflective

I’m always picking up new hobbies! My current favorites:

audiobooks · Pilates · sketching

If I’m not spending time with my favorite people, you can also find me running the Cognitive Science Student Association @ UCSD, getting muddy at the ceramics studio, hunched over my latest crochet project, or inching my way through my bookshelf.

swipe through for some of my favorite memories!

Let’s work together :)

I love meeting new people! If you want to learn more about my work, chat about product, or worry about the Fermi Paradox together, you can find me at any of the links below.


built with matcha soy lattes, new girl, and framer <3





built with matcha soy lattes, new girl, and webflow <3

It’s so nice to meet you!

I’m a senior studying cognitive science, human-computer interaction, UX design, data science, and product marketing at UC San Diego.

I know, I know - that’s a long list! It’s a really specific niche, but over time I’ve found I feel the most engaged and excited by my work when I’m creating for and with people.

Some words I would use to describe myself:

passionate · thoughtful · reflective

I’m always picking up new hobbies! My current favorites:

audiobooks · Pilates · sketching

It’s so nice to meet you!

I’m a senior studying cognitive science, human-computer interaction, UX design, data science, and product marketing at UC San Diego.

I know, I know - that’s a long list! It’s a really specific niche, but over time I’ve found I feel the most engaged and excited by my work when I’m creating for and with people.

Some words I would use to describe myself:

passionate · thoughtful · reflective

I’m always picking up new hobbies! My current favorites:

audiobooks · Pilates · sketching

If I’m not spending time with my favorite people, you can also find me running the Cognitive Science Student Association @ UCSD, getting muddy at the ceramics studio, hunched over my latest crochet project, or inching my way through my bookshelf.

swipe through for some of my favorite memories!

Let’s work together!

I love meeting new people! If you want to learn more about my work, chat about product, or worry about the Fermi Paradox together, you can find me at any of the links below :)

Let’s work together!

I love meeting new people! If you want to learn more about my work, chat about product, or worry about the Fermi Paradox together, you can find me at any of the links below :)

If I’m not spending time with my favorite people, you can also find me running the Cognitive Science Student Association @ UCSD, getting muddy at the ceramics studio, hunched over my latest crochet project, or inching my way through my bookshelf.

swipe through for some of my favorite memories!

It’s so nice to meet you!

I’m a senior studying cognitive science, human-computer interaction, UX design, data science, and product marketing at UC San Diego.

I know, I know - that’s a long list! It’s a really specific niche, but over time I’ve found I feel the most engaged and excited by my work when I’m creating for and with people.

Some words I would use to describe myself:

passionate · thoughtful · reflective

I’m always picking up new hobbies! Currently on:

audiobooks · Pilates · sketching

It’s so nice to meet you!


Let’s work together!

I love meeting new people! If you want to learn more about my work, chat about product, or worry about the Fermi Paradox together, find me at any of the links below :)

If I’m not spending time with my favorite people, you can also find me running the Cognitive Science Student Association @ UCSD, getting muddy at the ceramics studio, hunched over my latest crochet project, or inching my way through my bookshelf.

swipe through for some of my favorite memories!

I’m a senior studying cognitive science, human-computer interaction, UX design, data science, and product marketing at UC San Diego.

I know, I know - that’s a long list! It’s a really specific niche, but over time I’ve found I feel the most engaged and excited by my work when I’m creating for and with people.

Some words I would use to describe myself:

passionate · thoughtful · reflective

I’m always picking up new hobbies! Currently on:

audiobooks · Pilates · sketching

It’s so nice to meet you!