UC San Diego Enrollment System

Optimizing our college enrollment and class planning tool to be more thoughtfully intuitive + friendly.

March 2023 - June 2023


Product Marketer


Product Space

UC San Diego


1 product manager

1 product designer

1 product marketer (me!)


Figma + Figjam





User research


Information architecture

Developer handoffs

The Problem

At UCSD, the enrollment process is often a source of anxiety.

As the next academic quarter approaches, a familiar wave of stress rolls over students at UCSD. It’s time to tackle a task that inspires both anxiety and frustration: course enrollment. At the heart of this chaos lies WebReg: the university’s enrollment tool, which has gained a reputation for being more of a hindrance than a help.

Enrollment is often a daunting task. Major requirements, credit limits, professor reviews, and preferred class times all need to be meticulously balanced, often alongside external commitments like work or internships -- not even to mention the stress of navigating waitlists, scrambling for last-minute class swaps, and juggling conflicting courses. WebReg adds unnecessary layers of complexity, forcing students to turn to other sources of information, frequently refresh their waitlist statuses, and navigate through a system that feels outdated and unintuitive.

The exciting process of planning one’s academic future often turns into a logistical nightmare for many. The enrollment process can mean multiple weeks of uncertainty, and can be critical to the trajectory of a student’s degree.

With all of these challenges in mind, we found ourselves wondering: how might we ease and optimize the enrollment process for UCSD students?

The Product

Meet WebReg: UCSD’s comprehensive enrollment hub.

WebReg is an online tool used by many colleges for class registration and grade distribution.

Application features

Search, plan, and register for classes

Schedule events

Submit EASY requests

Access course and textbook catalogs

User Statistics

Here are some metrics reflecting WebReg usage.


33,343 undergrads

8,542 graduate students

Enrollment periods

First enrollment pass: Feb 18 - Feb 23

Second enrollment pass: Feb 27 - March 3


Units taken range from 12 to 18; roughly 3-5 classes per quarter per student

100+ majors, hundreds of classes offered.

“[WebReg] is a moderate-traffic website… [it] can typically handle anywhere

from 1,000 to 10,000 concurrent visitors.”

SWOT Analysis

Where are WebReg’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas of growth?


  • Straightforward

  • Functionally practical

  • Gets the job done!


  • Issues with enrollment

  • Alternative class planning interfaces




  • Outdated, unpleasant UI

  • Difficult to navigate

  • Limited use cases


  • increasing UCSD pop.

  • Course tools spread across 2+ platforms

Market Opportunity

What segment of the market can we realistically capture?

TAM Total Addressable Market

1.59 billion

SAM Served Available Market

235 million

SOM Servicable Obtainable Market

15.9 million

Competitive Analysis

What does the competitive landscape look like?

Key Features

class planning

class enrollment

course information

personal scheduling

user-friendly UI


Information hubs

(Rate my Professor, course catalogs, CAPEs)

User Research

Out of 29 survey respondents...

Surveyed from the UCSD student population (undergraduates, masters, and doctoral students)


Use WebReg to

enroll in classes (yay!)


Use WebReg for

class planning


Use WebReg to

search for classes


Use WebReg to access

course information

Out of 15 users we interviewed...

Surveyed from the UCSD student population (undergraduates, masters, and doctoral students)


Plan out alternatives

for classes on their own


Use external information

sources to plan classes


Use an external planning tool (i.e spreadsheet)

Key Pain Points

Here are the biggest problems our users faced.

  1. There is a significant lack of critical course information, often forcing users to cross-reference: a time consuming process.

“[My] biggest issue is not being able to see the course description and instead having to look on a secondary website or other UCSD forums. I have to click between multiple different sites when I’m trying to enroll.

“...not clear if a class has a particular extra lab, professor, prerequisite... [there is] a lack of just basic information because the course catalogue isn’t hyperlinked.”

  1. WebReg’s search function is buggy! Users are left with the cognitive load of navigating course details and class conflicts by themselves.

  1. The unappealing, outdated UI disrupts the user experience and is not mobile-friendly.

“The interface feels so old and laggy. I have to be careful when I click on classes to enroll to make sure they’re the right ones, especially when I am trying to grab classes at the start of my pass time.”

Proposed Solutions

What if WebReg was a comprehensive all-in-one hub for enrollment?

With this pain points in mind, we ideated and landed on the following goals for our redesign!

Lack of critical course information

Integrate access to important course information through pop-ups that contain course logistics, evals, and recommendations while minimizing page changes.

Ineffective search capabilities

Create a refined searching and planning system that suggests personalized classes based on student data from degree audits and major requirements.

Unintuitive UI

Redesign the UI with a consistently branded design system, organized information architecture, and minimized redundancy.

User Personas

To better empathize with our users, we created some student personas that reflected some common goals and frustrations.

User 1: Melody

19 | she/her | B.S in Cognitive Science at UCSD


  • Plan classes in advance to ensure she graduates on time 

  • Enroll in the the right classes in order to transfer into Mechanical Engineering major

  • Take classes with good professors to maintain GPA

pain points

  • WebReg is laggy, making it difficult to obtain competitive MechE classes 

  • Unintuitive UI system makes searching + planning classes tedious and tiring…

  • Cross-referencing course list and professor reviews across different pages is inefficient; she always has a headache after enrollment!

User 2: Dominic

23 | he/him | M.S. in Business Analytics at UCSD


  • Keep track of his busy TA work schedule 

  • Review CAPES input and forward information to professors

  • Plan and take upper division courses that fit into his busy schedule

pain points

  • User interface is not appealing when he schedules classes

  • Needs to reference 3+ sites to get course and professor information 

  • Limited search abilities makes it difficult to plan for classes in advance, conflicting with his schedule when trying to enroll last minute

Original Interface

How do we enhance the current user experience?

Low-Fidelity Wireframes

Some initial ideas for ideation...

The schedule and course listing page is the main planning interface.

An alternate way to visualize scheduled finals for your classes.

A cleaner calendar view with more visible class statuses.

Search results are more informative with unit counts and a short course description.

The system more actively intervenes when a user takes an invalid action, like enrolling in a class without a prerequisite.

An expanded view of a course listing. We increased padding and prioritized spacing to avoid a crowded interface.

Brand Guidelines

We wanted our redesign to stay consistent with other UCSD tools, so we turned to our school’s branding guidelines.

Primary System

Course Sorting


Header 1

Font: Brix Sans / Color: Black / Size: 32

Header 2

Font: Brix Sans / Color: Black / Size: 24

Header 3

Font: Roboto / Color: Black / Size: 15

This is a Body copy. Loren ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eu semper ligula, nec fermentum odio. Aenean non blandit neque, ac accumsan nibh.

This is an inline link

Font: Roboto / Color: Black / Size: 15

Buttons and Icons







High-Fidelity Wireframes

Using UCSD-consistent branding guidelines, we polished our screens.

Schedule and course listings page

Using color intentionally to draw attention to action items!

Finals schedule

A quick, simple summary of where + when your finals are.

Course schedule

A snapshot of next quarter’s schedule and your enrollment status.

Search results

No more cross-referencing course catalogs to find class descriptions!

Warnings and notifications

WebReg will tell you when you can’t take an action, like enroll or waitlist.

Thoughtful padding + hierarchy

Course listings were cramped and neon blue. This feels better to look at!

We still had some existing pain points to address... how could we increase accessibility to information and support class planning?

Degree audit pop-up

Not sure where to start with class planning? WebReg will recommend some classes based on your degree progress.

Simplified ‘advanced filter’

If you know exactly what department, instructor, or weekdays you’re looking for, filter intelligently to find them.

Professor CAPE evaluations

Learn more about a professor and their average stats from class evaluations directly on WebReg.

Final Prototype

Take a look at our redesign!

View here

Repositioning WebReg

How can we adjust the messaging of our enrollment tool?

For university students looking to streamline their class planning and registration process, WebReg serves as a one-stop course information and enrollment hub. WebReg provides an intuitive enrollment system, seamless access to course and professor information, and personalized degree recommendations for an efficient, stress-free experience.

Go-to-Market Strategy

Launch goals: increase functionality, re-position WebReg’s brand identity, and pivot business strategy to increase use of new features.

As we already have a 100% usage rate (everyone has to enroll with WebReg), there wasn’t a need to convert students to Webreg users. Instead, we focused on the other three stages of the marketing funnel when creating a go-to-market strategy. We wanted to create awareness, earn consideration and encourage users to be loyal advocates!

Build feature awareness

by increasing reliability of product.

“Hey, did you hear that WebReg gives you

course recommendations now?”

“Woah, I didn’t know that... That’s so helpful.”

Use owned media to generate more

earned media from students!

“Huh, this new email from the registrar’s office

says that they redesigned WebReg...

I should post on YikYak about this.”

Focus on crafting a well-designed, simple, functionally comprehensive experience that makes students’ lives easier.

“It’s kind of weird how I like using WebReg now... enrollment is so much easier!”

“Dude, same...”


How do we measure success of our redesign and our repositioning?


support growth in users and number of visits for 40k+ students, reduce number of crashes


increase in user satisfaction with UI and overall system, user input surveys


repair current pain points and outperforms previous iteration, A|B testing


increase in # of users returning to use new features (class planning + recommendations)

Bringing it back...

What would success look like in terms of our original metrics?



Would use WebReg for

class planning



Would use WebReg to

search for classes



Would use WebReg to access

course information

Product Requirement Document

To stay consistent with industry standards, we tracked our progress + established hypothetical business needs in a PRD!

Future Enhancements

Some ideas to continue iterating on WebReg’s user experience.

AI Academic Advising Counselor

In-site AI chat box where users can ask questions and get critical answers on demand, reducing wait time for counselors

Auto-populate class schedules

Generate and propose class schedules for the following quarter based on major and GE requirements left to fill.

Address biases in the current appointment system

Assign enrollment times more fairly based on a weighted algorithm factoring in year, class size, unit #.


What I learned from our capstone project :)

Working cross-functionally is an engaging, creative process.

This was my first project working alongside a product designer and a product manager! We had a lot of fun exploring ideas together, as well as leaning on each other for ideation and feedback.

Product thinking drives smarter, savvier decision making.

Functionality + the user experience + business goals = a successful product! Balancing all of these priorities challenged us to think from a development and business scope.

Get feedback… as often as you can!

Getting frequent, consistent feedback from each other and our mentors allowed our team to iterate and refine our work, as well as regularly touch base on small wins and blockers we were facing.


Thank you to my team, mentors, and Product Space @ UCSD!

I’m very grateful to Christine Nguyen and Sarah Liu for being such fantastic teammates, as well as Tanisha Mandal and Rajvir Logani for their wonderful mentorship and support! I am so proud of the work we accomplished :)

team bonding :P

grinding on our PRD!

final banquet >.<

us + our mentors <3

Let’s work together!

anjali mathi

built with strawberry matcha,

new girl, and framer <3

Let’s work together!

anjali mathi

built with strawberry matcha,

new girl, and framer <3